Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Well!! That was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be!! Me being a technophobe, and all, I thought I was doomed to failure for certain! (you'll come to learn of my limited faith in my abilities!!!)

This layout is of my Mum and my Uncle. It was taken during the Second World War, when they were evacuated.

I used the Seeds kit, from The Scrummy Stash Cafe . I hand cut the flower design from patterned paper, and put it on 3D foam, so it would "stand out" from the page (or as the Americans would say "Make it POP!") Then I was actually "brave" enough to do some hand written journalling. I know many of us struggle with this,

complaining that we hate our own writing, but at the end of the day it proves it's mine!!

I hope you like it. I think the papers are beautiful, and are just perfect for heritage photos.

I made it back!!! (Sounded like I was going to launch into singing a Beverley Knight song there, didn't it?!!!)

Anyway, work, as ever, is taking up a good deal of my time, and so far I haven't managed to get to grips with putting photos of my layouts and cards onto the blog. I must try harder. So now I'm going to disappear for a while and try to fathom it out..... wish me luck!!!!

Friday, 17 August 2007

Well!!! So much for me returning the next day to waffle on about my day!!

Life has been, at times difficult, but mostly fun, hectic, chaotic and full of comments like, "if only I had more time!!" Recently I've decided to make more time for all things creative in my life. I'm a much nicer person if I do this!!

I'm still very new to blogging, so bear with me whilst I learn. I will do my best to try to post on a regular basis.... and learn how to post some pictures of my Scrapbooking pages (mmmmm, this could take some time!!)

Be back soon, I promise!!