Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Some Gorgeous Autumn Colour!

Well, as anyone who still reads this blog will know, I didn't do so well with keeping up with the photo a day project...!! Anyhow, in an attempt to re-kindle my photography mojo, I took this photo this other day, of a dahlia in my garden.... isn't the colour just luscious, and so cheerful after such a grey, grotty day !!
I've been doing some blog-hopping and found this amazing blog candy http://crafterskitchen.blogspot.com/2009/09/amazing-blog-candy.html ... fab, isn't it?!! :-)


Sarah said...

Stunning photo - and so good to see you are back blogging again :-) xxx

Clare Arnold said...

hello stranger :-)

Great photo hun, I love Autumn, my favourite time of year. Nice to see you blogging again, it is about time I updated mine