Monday, 18 January 2010

The Bad Blogger is back!!

Helloooo!! OK... no excuses, I'm a bad blogger! I'm hoping, along with some dear online buddies to blog on a regular basis this year. I've not made any New Year's resolutions... 'cos we all know what happens to those... so let's call them Lifestyle choices/changes, shall we?!

Another hope is to craft lots more... so yesterday I spent some time making a "never-ending card".... to be honest it felt never ending when I was making it, but in a good way, as there are soooo many surfaces to decorate!! lol!! I got the instruction from an issue of Cardmaking and Papercraft Mag (just checked, it was July '09)

Here are the piccies, would love to hear your comments... Thanks for looking. (especially after all this time!! lol)


Clare Arnold said...

Helllooooooo DEnny

Nice to see you blogging again

That card is lovely, a real work of love there :-)


MicheleP said...

fabulous card Denny - what a lot of work! Well done for blogging - and crafting - again xx

My Little World said...

Lovely card Denny and great to see you blogging again :)

Julesmichelle said...

Yay - the girl is back!!!

Gorjuss card as well - would love to see it in real life as it looks fab.

Jules xx

Sarah said...

You go girl!!! Well done on updating your blog and fab card - love it :-) xxxx Sending lots of love xx

Stefanie said...

Thanks for following journalingjunkie.
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