Saturday, 10 January 2009

DAY TEN... Mark was about to peel some potatoes for lunch, when he found "Spud Duck!" I couldn't resist getting a picture for today. :-)

I'm working tonight, so all "no fog vibes" would be very much appreciated. It's been nice hearing the fog horns of ships over the past few days and not being at work, I have to say!


joanold said...

Did you eat it , or sail it in the bath?

Julesmichelle said...

Cool spud! Make a fun LO I think.

kikimama said...

Tee hee, cute photo-of-the-day!

Bubbleblitt said...

fab photo Denny and cute potato! Nice to see you blogging again, Bev xx

Sarah said...

Fab Pic! - Love it:)